Create a New Relation

How to create new relations from the library and your editor

The Library is the central place to manage, search for, and create new relations.

Creating Relations from the Library

Click on the search bar and input the name of the relation you'd like to create. The dropdown menu will be populated with any matching terms from the Anytype library. You can select any of these, and they'll be installed newly in your relations library. If you'd prefer instead to create your own relation, simply choose the option + Create relation "Relation name".

If you opt to create your own relation, the Relation page will open automatically.

If you've decided that this Relation is no relevant, you can use the three-dots menu in the corner to delete the relation from your space.

Creating Relations from the Object Editor

To create new relations on-the-fly, you can follow the instructions fromAdding & Managing Relations, and use the relation selection menu in the same way as the search bar in the Relation library. The relation will be automatically added to your Relations library, while you can proceed with editing the current object.

Any relation you create from the object editor will be available for editing in the Relations library using the steps above.

Last updated