Are there any network requests when using local-only mode?

We can guarantee that there are no network requests to our Anytype Network, but our telemetry will still send requests (you will be able to opt-out later on). Additionally, the client still needs to to send requests for some of the features (embedding blocks, fetching bookmarks, etc.) to work properly.

What to do if I'm asked to enter my key / recovery phrase each time on Linux?

Linux users may be asked for their Key each time they log in. To resolve this issue, please install a keychain. The most popular is GNOME Keyring. Additionally, ensure that you have met all the dependencies beforehand.

How can I recover data after a suspected database corruption (Win 11)?

If you’re experiencing issues with Anytype, such as after a sudden power loss, and suspect database corruption, follow these step-by-step instructions to recover your data:

Step 1: Locate the Anytype Account Data

  1. Open File Explorer: Press Win + E to open File Explorer.

  2. Access the AppData Folder: In the address bar, type %AppData% and press Enter. This takes you to the Roaming folder inside AppData.

  3. Navigate to Anytype Data Folder: Go to the Anytype folder by following this path:

  4. Anytype > data > <accountId> or Anytype > beta > data > <accountId> in case you are on the Pre-release(beta) channel in anytype

  5. Replace <accountId> with your specific account ID.

Step 2: Rename the Localstore Database

  1. Find the Localstore Folder: Inside the Anytype data folder, look for a folder named localstore.

  2. Rename the Localstore Folder: Right-click on the localstore folder and select Rename. Change the name to something like localstore_backup. This step ensures that Anytype will create a new localstore database when it runs next, while keeping your old data safe in the renamed folder.

Step 3: Restart Anytype

  1. Launch Anytype: Open the Anytype application on your computer.

  2. Check for Normal Operation: Anytype should now launch without issues. It will create a new localstore database automatically.

If after these steps Anytype still doesn’t launch, probably you have spacestore database corrupted. Please take a look at this instruction A tool to fix the 'Anytype Helper Crashed' Issue 2.

Why is there no browser version of Anytype?

There's no browser version of the app. Anytype is a stand-alone software, that works on desktop or mobile devices. There are many points of vulnerability in-browser apps that would compromise our commitment to data security and encryption.

Why is RTL not supported?

RTL is currently only partially supported, but we have plans for full support later on.

What happened to the old homepage?

The homepage from the alpha app has been removed, and replaced with the new sidebar and widgets. If you really liked this layout, you can try recreating it using a set with a gallery view.

Can I use two separate Vaults at the same time?

Here's a tweak that works only on desktop: you need to create a separate shortcut for your other Vault and add the --user-data-dir="$path" flag to the launch command (i.e. --user-data-dir="D:\Anytype").

Where can I find keyboard shortcuts / hotkeys?

You can check all keyboard shortcuts in the app by clicking on ? > Keyboard shortcuts in the bottom right corner of the app.

Can I install Anytype on a Chromebook?

There are a few ways you can install Anytype on a Chromebook, but probably the easiest one is to use an AppImage. For the full guide from one of our community members, please click here.

Last updated