
While typing

` | Inline code

** or __ | Inline bold

* or _ | Inline italic

~~ | Inline strikethrough

-- > (no spaces) | Inserts: ⟶

< -- (no spaces) Inserts: ⟵

< -- > (no spaces) Inserts: ⟷

-> (like above but 1 -) | Inserts: →

<- | Inserts: ←

-- | Inserts: —

— > (no spaces) | Inserts: ⟶

< — (no spaces) | Inserts: ⟵

(c) | Inserts: ©

(r) | Inserts: ®

(tm) | Inserts: ™

... | Inserts: …

At the beginning of any new line

# + Space | Create an H1 heading

## + Space | Create an H2 heading

### + Space | Create an H3 heading

" + Space | Create a highlighted block

* or + or - and Space | Create a bulleted list

[] + Space | Create a to-do checkbox

  1. + Space | Create a numbered list

> + Space | Create a toggle list

``` | Create a code block

--- | Create line divider

*** | Create dots divider

Last updated