

⌘ + ,(comma) | Open settings

⌘ + O | Open the navigation pane

⌘ + Option + O | Open the graph pane

⌘ + S | Open the search pane

Alt + H | Return to the home screen

⌘ + [ | Show the previous page from history

⌘ + ] | Show the next page from history

↓ or Tab | Go the next option

or Shift + Tab | Go to the previous option

| Go to the left side of navigation. Link from page

| Go to the right side of navigation. Link to page

Enter | Select option

⌘ + Shift + T | Expand / Collapse Toggle

| Go down one line

| Go up one line

⌘ + ← | Go to the start of the line

⌘ + → | Go to the end of the line

⌘ + ↑ |Go to the start of the page

⌘ + ↓ | Go to the end of the page

⌘ + Shift + ↑↓ | Move selected block(s) around

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